Latest - 0.7.0
Etch gets an iFrame canvas, opening a lot of future doors. Next sprint will start our components sprint.
- iFrame canvas
- iFrame hook for 3rd party developers
- Fix bug with single button handling
Jan-23-2025A lot of back-end refactoring and many UX/UI improvements are at the heart of the 0.6 Etch release as we prepare to explore the addition of component functionality.
- New Element: Div
- All panels are now resizable
- UX/UI: Custom code editor fold icon
- UX/UI: Change canvas dead zone pattern
- UX/UI: Reduce font size of structure panel
- Move element styling defaults from Etch default classes to attributes
- Gutenberg rendering improvements
- PHP Refactoring
- UX/UI: Make Etch Bar full width
- UX/UI: Update selector badge styling
- UX/UI: Font size adjustments and standardization
- UX/UI: Improve builder outline styles on hover & drop zones
- General code cleanup & refactoring
- Restore keyboard shortcuts for duplicate, delete, save
- Remove unwanted duplicate cursor on HTMl attribute click
Dec-19-2024Etch is now … modular!
- Drag to reposition elements on canvas
- Modular UI: Sidebar drop zones for UI segments
- Modular UI: Etch Bar drop zone for UI segments
- Modular UI: Save Latest UI Preference to Database
- UI Updates
- Dozens of various fixes
Dec-05-2024A structure panel arrives to make navigating the canvas easier, the query loop gets more superpowers, and you can now edit content inline on the canvas!
- Structure Panel
- Sync Etch Structure Panel With Gutenberg Structure Panel
- Inline Text Editing on Canvas
- Query Editor
- Name & Save Custom Loop Queries
Nov-22-2024In a major new development, users can now freely edit HTML instead of being limited to editing attributes and content and now have access to a powerful query loop with dynamic data support.
- Full support for HTML editing
- Query Loop
- Dynamic Data Support
- UI/UX Improvements
Oct-31-2024This is a small update as we’ve been heavily investigating and experimenting with how looping is going to work in Etch. More to come soon!
- You can now add and style IDs on elements
- New tab-styled selectors UI with delete button
- Delete attributes and classes from etch input with "!" prefix.
- Classes added to the block editor classes string will carry over into Etch
- Refactor attribute handling of EtchBlock to make it more robust
- Fixed nested hover styles render bug
- Fix for keyboard navigation lost after simple attributes submit
- Updated spacing for drawer handler
- Re-enable core blocks.
- Fix for visual issues when hovering over selected block
Oct-25-2024Etch takes a MAJOR step forward this week as you can now add basic elements directly in Etch, add custom attributes, delete elements, and duplicate elements.
- Insert element as child on ctrl/cmd + click (cmd to insert as child)
- Element creation menu in EtchBar with flyout animation
- Duplicate and Delete functionality for blocks
- Create/update any attribute with values
- Section, block and container variants with default classes
- Support for custom dataset styling selectors
- Integration with theme.json for basic reset of default core blocks
- Basic reset of default core settings for etch variants
- Improved handling of WordPress core classes
- Refactored PHP components with improved structure
- Child management API on EtchBlock
- Complete frontend support for custom attributes
- Live preview for custom attributes selector-based styles
- Minimum height for etch container
- Select the last selectable style on attributes submit
- Updated drawer behavior with improved height management
- Improved block selection and hover highlighting
- Improved Codemirror scrollbar styles and behavior
- Better HTML formatting with Shift-Alt-f support
- Default styles now come from global styles with class-based approach
- Updated version of Render class with enhanced HTMLDomParser functionality
- Optimized attribute handling and processing
- Improved state management and UI updates
- Various memory and performance optimizations
- Multiple stability and rendering improvements
- Various pipeline and build process improvements
- Various CSS editor and class handling improvements
- Improved component rendering with updated version of Render class
- Resolved conflicts between default styling and custom attributes
- Various Codemirror-related fixes and performance improvements
- Custom attributes styling issues resolved
- Double-dashed classes encoding error resolved
Oct-17-2024The Etch Bar is growing up, but you should ignore style rendering issues in Gutenberg for this version.
- Etch Bar: Resizable Drawer
- Etch Bar: Command Click Class Without Cursor in Editor
- Etch Bar: Code is Folded by Default for Elements With Children
- Etch Bar: Styling Better Matches Mockup
- Etch Bar: Dummy Icon Functionality (Add Elements, etc.)
- Etch Bar: Edit in Gutenberg Icon/Action
- Etch Bar: Front-End Preview Icon/Action
- Etch-Gutenberg Conversion Engine Refactoring
- Gutenberg-Frontend Conversion Engine Refactoring
- Basic Support for Buttons and Images
- Experimental Overwrites of Selective Core Styles
- Basic Implementation of Removing Selective Core Block Controls
Oct-10-2024Most of the work we did this week was back-end stuff, but there are a few new UX enhancements as well as the start of Etch Block Variations in Gutenberg.
- Line-wrapping in code editor
- Etch Block API
- EtchGlobal global variable object
- Codemirror class API
- Gutenberg nested core variants with custom logic (POC)
- CMD + Click on class name in editor to add styles
- Attribute input moved from separate bar into Etch bar
- Render PHP class for parsing Gutenberg blocks on frontend
Oct-07-2024This is the initial version to kick off the MVP phase. Pretty exciting! We’ll be rolling out a steady stream of incremental releases to build upon this version.
- Editor Environment & Canvas
- Save Etch work to database
- Render website with the block editor's rendering engine
- "Etch Bar" V1
- Block authoring for group, paragraph, and heading blocks
- Expose HTML for selected element
- Add selectors to elements & author CSS
Sep-06-2024This is a placeholder entry to signify the beginning of active development post-launch. In 72 hours, 1508 early adopters bought into the Etch project and effectively green-lit full time development.
- 1508 Early Adopter Licenses Sold
- Private Etch community established