Latest - 0.1.2


The Etch Bar is growing up, but you should ignore style rendering issues in Gutenberg for this version.

  • Etch Bar: Resizable Drawer
  • Etch Bar: Command Click Class Without Cursor in Editor
  • Etch Bar: Code is Folded by Default for Elements With Children
  • Etch Bar: Styling Better Matches Mockup
  • Etch Bar: Dummy Icon Functionality (Add Elements, etc.)
  • Etch Bar: Edit in Gutenberg Icon/Action
  • Etch Bar: Front-End Preview Icon/Action
  • Etch-Gutenberg Conversion Engine Refactoring
  • Gutenberg-Frontend Conversion Engine Refactoring
  • Basic Support for Buttons and Images
  • Experimental Overwrites of Selective Core Styles
  • Basic Implementation of Removing Selective Core Block Controls
Full details for 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1


    Most of the work we did this week was back-end stuff, but there are a few new UX enhancements as well as the start of Etch Block Variations in Gutenberg.

    • Line-wrapping in code editor
    • Etch Block API
    • EtchGlobal global variable object
    • Codemirror class API
    • Gutenberg nested core variants with custom logic (POC)
    • CMD + Click on class name in editor to add styles
    • Attribute input moved from separate bar into Etch bar
    • Render PHP class for parsing Gutenberg blocks on frontend
    Full v0.1.1 changelog
  • 0.1.0


    This is the initial version to kick off the MVP phase. Pretty exciting! We’ll be rolling out a steady stream of incremental releases to build upon this version.

    • Editor Environment & Canvas
    • Save Etch work to database
    • Render website with the block editor's rendering engine
    • "Etch Bar" V1
    • Block authoring for group, paragraph, and heading blocks
    • Expose HTML for selected element
    • Add selectors to elements & author CSS
    Full v0.1.0 changelog
  • 0.0.1


    This is a placeholder entry to signify the beginning of active development post-launch. In 72 hours, 1508 early adopters bought into the Etch project and effectively green-lit full time development.

    • 1508 Early Adopter Licenses Sold
    • Private Etch community established
    Full v0.0.1 changelog